Our fees

Our Fees are payable by the seller and calculated on the selling price HAI

20% VAT included

Mandat Simple

< 150 000 € 8% TTC of the selling price

150 000 - 250 000 € 7% TTC of the selling price

250 000 - 800 000 € 6% TTC of the selling price

800 000 - 1 500 000 € 5% TTC of the selling price

> 1 500 000 € 4% TTC of the selling price

Frais d’agence minimum 5 000 €

Mandat Exclusif

< 150 000 € 7% TTC of the selling price

150 000 - 250 000 € 6% TTC of the selling price

250 000 - 800 000 € 5% TTC of the selling price

800 000 - 1 500 000 € 4% TTC of the selling price

> 1 500 000 € 3.5% TTC of the selling price

Frais d’agence minimum 5 000 €

Carte professionnelle SARL LANDAU (Edward Landau) - Transaction sur immeubles et fonds de commerces N°: CPI65012018000032207 issued by CCI de Tarbes et des Hautes-Pyrénées, guaranteed in the amount of €110,000 by SOCAF, 26 av. de Suffren, 75015 Paris.

Mandate is mandatory

The holder of the professional card bearing the words: "Transactions on real estate and business assets" may not negotiate or commit to transactions specified in Article 1 (1° to 5°) of the aforementioned law of January 2, 1970 without holding a written mandate, previously issued for this purpose by one of the parties. The mandate specifies its purpose and contains the information provided for in Article 73. When it includes authorization to commit to a specific transaction, the mandate expressly mentions it.
All mandates are mentioned in chronological order in a register of mandates in accordance with a model established by joint order of the Keeper of the Seals, Minister of Justice, the Minister of the Interior and the Minister of the Economy and Finance. The registration number in the register of mandates is based on that of the copies of the mandate, which remains in the possession of the agent. This register is pre-quoted without discontinuity and linked. It may be kept in electronic form under the conditions prescribed by Articles 1316 et seq. of the Civil Code. The mandates and the register of mandates are kept for ten years.

The agency declares that it does not receive public funds.

The holder of the professional card bearing the words: "Transactions on real estate and business funds", his or her legal or statutory representative(s), if it is a legal entity, who must receive the mandate provided for in Article 72 may not request, or receive directly or indirectly, any other remuneration or commission on the occasion of a transaction specified in Article 1 (1° to 5°) of the aforementioned law of 2 January 1970 than that for which the conditions of determination are specified in the mandate.
The mandate must specify whether this remuneration is the exclusive responsibility of one of the parties to the transaction or whether it is shared. In the latter case, the terms and conditions of this sharing are indicated in the mandate and included in the commitment of the parties. The amount of the remuneration or commission, as well as the indication of the party or parties responsible for it, are included in the commitment of the parties. The same applies, where applicable, to fees for drafting deeds or escrow. The cardholder may not request or receive, directly or indirectly, commissions or remuneration on the occasion of this transaction from a person other than the one mentioned as being responsible for it in the mandate and in the commitment of the parties.

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